
  • Surprises from GiGi (my Mom)

    We are still living with my parents while we wait to close on our house.  There have been delays and it seems to be taking forever.  In the mean time, we are making so many memories here and I can see my parents and the children bonding so closely.  We all are.  It’s been a blessing here.  It will definitely be a time in my life I look back on with a smile.


    Here is our Itsy Bitsy girl, Hannah Joy, standing in her Daddy’s house shoes.

    (Thank you sweet Hopey girl for the house shoes!)

    ………now for the GiGi surprises!!!……..


    Here, my Mom (GiGi to the grandchildren) has come home from work with SURPRISES for the grandchildren!!


    They were each so excited!!!


    Yes, I had them pose!  I wanted to see everyone’s pretty smiles!

    There are 3 grandbabies missing here:  Hope, Addison and baby Aaron.


    Mmmmm, one yummy was a ring pop!


    Suckers and Sweet tarts – Mmmm!

    (GiGi, would you like them to all sleep in your room tonight?  You’re giving them a sugar high!  LOL)


    Sarah, honey, you look just so thrilled??  lol


    OK, Little Man, where are you hiding your stash of goodies?  :) :) :)


    Awwwe, Baby Aaron!!!!  I think GiGi is trying to get a laugh from you :)



  • A Birthday Party for TWO of my Sisters! :)


    ALL 4 of my precious babies with my (bio) Dad and my Bonus Mom!

    (the girls call them Big Daddy and MiMi)

    I love this picture!!


    MY FAMILY!  :)

    Daddy, Mommy (me, of course!), Hope, Madi Grace, Sarah Faith & Hannah Joy!

    This picture is a TREASURE since we have few family pictures!!!!!


    Big Daddy & Aaron :)


    My sister, KJ, with her bday cake!

    She is “KK” to my girls and we love to go play with her and the boys!

    HAPPY 27th BDAY, KJ!!



    My sister, Nicole, was having her bday party too!

    Don’t you just love how we switched out the candles and Dad put a post it with Nicole’s name on it?  LOL!  Nicole (the girls call her KoKo) is hilarious so this picture is very “HER”!

    She has 2 GORGEOUS girls and the girls love to spend time with KoKo and the girls.



    Dad and 3 of his 4 girls!


    I really like this picture!


    Nicole and I ended up chatting in the back bedroom for quite some time after everyone had left.  I really enjoyed it so much because it gave us some time to get a little caught up.

    I love my family.


  • Nonna is fixing the girls’ new rooms up!

    My mother in law, Nonna, is fixing up the girls rooms in the house we are buying.

    I’ve picked up stuff and so has she and the girls can’t wait.

    My bonus Mom, MiMi, is going to do their names in wooden letters with ribbons!  We are excited about that too!

    (THANK YOU!!)

    We had a FUN visit to Nonna & Popaw’s!


    They have a BEAUTIFUL backyard!  Today, Nonna was working hard on it.

    (and Popaw and Daddy got the fountain cleaned out and going again!)


    Popaw loving on Miss Madi Grace!  :)


    I simply could not RESIST this picture!

    If you look closely, you can see Hannah is leaning on the fountain edge like Popaw!


    Nonna is working now on the wreath for Sarah Faith’s room!

    Here you can see the girls, Nonna, Uncow & Aunt Kali!


    I love this picture of Kenny smiling so big and look at Popaw in the background. :) :)


    See how beautiful the wreath turned out?!?!

    Nonna also took each girl to choose their own bedding sets!!!!



    Sarah Faith is quite excited about seeing her new room when Nonna is finished!


    awwe, sweet kisses :)

    I love the bedding Madi Grace chose also!

    Nonna has chosen some beautiful things to go along with their rooms since then!

    Plus, Madi Grace got to choose her paint for her room that night!  Nonna’s treat!


    OK, so Nonna has a knack of making anything adorable.  Seriously.

    This adorable frame matches Hannah’s room perfectly!

    We already had new bedding for Hannah from Florida so Nonna is doing other things in her room.  I can’t only imagine how she’s going to fix this adorable frame up when she takes out the “Y”.  The beautiful border will still be there tho and it matches Hannah’s room perfectly!

    We are SO blessed that Nonna is fixing up their rooms!

    I can’t wait to see what MiMi comes up with too!

    Isn’t it wonderful to be loved like this?  The girls have no idea how blessed they are!

    Many smiles, A Thankful Mommy!  Cass

  • A Sister Date and a Father’s Birthday :)

    My sister, KJ, came out to visit everybody at Mom & Dad’s house.  She had little Aaron with her and we were very excited.  However when Papa is around, you can forget it!  He’s gonna have his hands on him FIRST!


    Isn’t Aaron too cute?!?  He has one of Papa’s caps on.  Papa is laying down playing with him as Aaron kind of tackles him over and over – good times!!


    The “men” who keep us in line when we need it! 


    Sarah Faith, Hannah Joy & cousin Aaron playing!

    The girls are having fun having a boy around and Aaron is quite enthused with Papa’s cell phone case!  lol

    —then we made plans to go to our (bio) Dad’s house—


    Here I am on the phone with another sister, KoKo, making plans!

    Nicole is precious and KJ and I were both so ready to see her and her girls!


    Here the two babies were just about to hold hands!  I missed the second they did hold hands!

    LiL Aaron & LiL Bella!


    Bella Grace :)   BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL!

    I was calling her “Bella Boo!” and found out Nicole (aka KoKo) calls her that all the time.

    Bella and Aaron were born very close together!



    “THE BIRTHDAY BOY!”  My (bio) Dad with my LiL Hannah Joy!


    You never know what they could be up to!!!!!



    This is my Dad singing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to himself while eating a BBQ sandwhich.

    Yes, he’s so funny and crazy – he keeps you laughing!  (well or crying, LOL)


    Here is KJ’s oldest, Ryan, and he is the funniest little thing ever!

    He’s here with MiMi, my (bio) Dad’s wife and it’s funny because my Dad (Big Daddy) and lil Ryan argue in the funniest way about MiMi being their girlfriend.  “No, MiMi is MY GIRLFRIEND”, Ryan will say!  Quickly he can set Dad in time out or have him “STAND UP!” and give him a spanking for keeping on saying MiMi is HIS girlfriend.  Oh they are a mess together, that’s for sure!


    We had a fun day.  KJ fixed my hair because Mom had just cut it.  She was so sweet to me.  I was also so happy to see my sis, KoKo, because I don’t get to see her enough and I adore her as do my girls.  (yep, KK, we adore you too!)

    BLESSINGS!!!  Cassidy

  • Special Visitors :)

    Since we have been home we have made some great memories.  I am SOOOO far behind on blogging, which as you know, is my children’s memory “binder.”

    I will be sharing out of order because of pictures etc…needing different things.


    One of my best friends, Leslie, came to visit us with one of my “God-children.”  (we are not catholic but we are to raise the children if something should happen and we would love (and already do love) them and would raise them as our own).  She brought Jessica aka Jessie!  She’s the youngest.  (soon to be 2 years old)  She and Hannah Joy had a great time.  All the girls did, including Les and me.  We can’t wait to see the other two bigger girls asap. 

    Here are just a few pictures from our day :)   We love you guys!


    When “Aunt Leslie” arrived!


    Playing in the floor :)

    Jessica is on the left; Hannah Joy on the right..


    Heading out to go with Les for a bit!


    We’re back!  Outside time!


    Madi being adorable as always :)

    Sweet lil Jessie was swinging Sarah!  :)


    Is this not adorable?!  Jessie is pushing Hannah Joy now :)

    Jessie, you and Hannah are such good buddies!




    Les and me.  (yes, no make up on me….  yikes!)

  • From Tragedy to Triumph for my family (in TX)


    As we left Florida and began our drive back home to Texas, we soon found out it was not going to be an easy drive.  My husband was driving the 20 foot rental truck with his car on a dolly and I was following him in our van with the dog and the children.  There was hail and rain to drive through and we had left Sunny Florida in tee shirts and flip flops.   (we did have jackets prepared!)  We stopped after the first 10 hours and stayed over night.  We were all tired, but Kenny was especially tired.  The next day we got up to finish our trip homeward and after several hours of driving our family was calling to let us know we *HAD* to pull over.  We had been driving on ice and such but they let us know that the interstate was being closed between where we were and home.  So, another over night stay.

    The next morning we got up early and headed home.  We were ready to see our house and be HOME!!!!  We pulled into our driveway finally and my hubby and I got out to go in and turn on the heat and just check things out.  The house had been vacant for over 2 years while in Florida.  We knew we’d have some cleaning to do. 


    We opened the door to our home, only to find that EVERYTHING had MOLDED.  A tree had rubbed up against the roof knocking away shingles.  Then the ceiling had leaked and the house having no electricity on etc… had all molded.  Yes, the walls, the ceiling, our belongings, EVERYTHING.  I started to cry realizing we had lost everything.  Our home, our belongings, just everything.  I was in shock and devastated yet somehow… I could feel God’s peace in a place in my heart.  Still, I was a mess though.

    We went to Kenny’s parents (my in laws – yes, that I love) and told them of what had happened.  His Dad came with hubby and me back to look at the house.  Then we went back over to their house a bit and relaxed a little bit then headed to my parents to stay for “a week or hopefully less” while we found a place to live.

    We drove EVERYWHERE.  All the little towns around us and even the larger town nearby.  We could find NOTHING.  We drove for days, dealing with this, as I prayed as did my husband yet I also fretted.  Still, somehow that calmness in my spirit was there.  I can’t explain it because I was fretting on the outside yet I knew on the inside that God would take care of us.  Days upon end, disappointment after disappointment.  I was at a loss of what to even think.  Kenny and I kept praying diligently.

    ..:~*~:.. TRIUMPH ..:~*~:..


    Well, we passed by this beautiful brick home and we didn’t really pay attention to it but we noticed the realator was a friend of ours.  We jotted down her number in hopes that she would possibly know of a rental.  We kept driving and looking.  I got Teresa on the phone and asked her about the rentals.  She said some temporary 2 year jobs had opened up in the area and that’s why all the rental property was grabbed up.  I thanked her as she said she’d keep an eye out for us.  I was disappointed but glad to talk to our friend and to know she’d be on the look out for something for us.  Well, she called me back.  There was a house she was selling.  The lady’s husband and sons as well as her mother (who lives with them) were already in Colorado and she had been here for over a year (I THINK 2 years) waiting to be able to join her family.  Teresa thought she might agree to let us lease it if we would continue to show it.  We asked about the house.  We were hoping for a 3 bedroom 2 bath but would suffice with a 2 bedroom 2 bath.  BUT OH THE GLORY OF GOD!  It was a 4 bedroom 2 bath!  We were excited.  She called the home owner and she said she would consider it.  We asked if we could see it.  She told us where it was and low and behold it was the house where we had gotten her number from.  (we saw her sign in MANY yards of houses)

    So, we go to look at the house.  We begin to realize this house is something we had been praying we would one day own (a house like this one) when we could.  There were so many confirmations there that I will share on another day but this was THE house.  We began to talk about the possibility of BUYING it.  (that had not even crossed our mind before this time)

    GOD worked it out where all the paper work went through and we are now buying this home that we had literally DREAMED of having “ONE DAY.”  It had 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, an office, a craft room, and sits on 2.4 acres.  It is a beautiful brick home in the country and had all the characteristics I wanted in a home.  (a large kitchen and living room for example)  But GOD even blessed us MORE!  My mother in law has an awesome craft room and I dreamed of “one day” having one.  Now, GOD has BLESSED me with one already!!!  We simply LOVE the place.  It was what we had prayed for and honestly, MUCH MORE.

    GOD gave us abundantly more than we could have asked for or imagined just as the BIBLE says He can for His children!  ON PRAISE THE LORD JESUS!!!!

    Now, we have a home tho we can’t sign the final papers until April and the homeowner is packing but will move out when we sign those closing papers.  Tho, it’s a time thing, everything has worked out.


    My sweet hubby had tried cleaning the mold off of different things.  It came down to the wooden stuff would be okay.  We will need to sand and refinish it but it will be okay.  What about our sofa and loveseat?  RUINED.  Also one of the beds in the house was a built in loft bed my hubby did for our oldest daughter.  That meant we were short one bed, a mattress and box springs as well as bedding and so on… not to mention somewhere to sit in the new house.

    We prayed and GOD HEARD.

    First, my mother in law called to say she had a twin bed that she needed to get rid of.  It was in storage and she needed to do something with it.  She asked if we could use it.  BOY COULD WE!  An answered prayer.  Also, it happens to be the bed they let Madison use when she was little and I ADORE that bed.  It was JUST PERFECT for Hannah Joy’s new room!  They carried us to dinner and my mother law asked how I would feel if she took each girl, one at a time, to choose new bedding for their new rooms.  ABSOLUTELY!  I was a little sad that they were going to be getting their own rooms for the first time and we had only one twin bed of bedding.  (Hannah’s)  I was overjoyed with God’s blessings but in my heart I was also longing for them to have that.  See, another blessing!  I found out yesterday that she is even looking for some furniture for them!!!  She is being so awesome and God is working to bless us right through her.  So now we had bedding and a bed.  (she’s taking the children in a week to pick out the bedding)  We may even have some furniture for their rooms that she is working on to see if she can get them.  HOW INCREDIBLE!


    Well we were all pretty much set!  However, we truly did need something to sit on in the living room.  Out we went to search!  We searched at so many furniture places.  Everything was either junk or way too much money!  My mother in law suggested another place and we found a great deal there.  Still, we hoped God would provide in another way because we really didn’t need to be out more money since we were now buying this home.  Well, I called to share with the homeowner (turns out we knew her!) and sharing our blessings with her.  She said, “I might be next on that blessing list.”  I said, “why?”  She said, “Would you like to have my sectional?”  YES!  YES!  I told her how thankful we were and she was as excited as we were that God was blessing us through her!  We shared so many blessings on the phone and ways God had worked.  She confirmed that she had felt God had her hold that house for over a year just for OUR family.  She also shared some blessings and miracles from their lives.  It was so awesome!

    Decorations?  Now, that’s a luxury, not a need.

    However, I was a bit sad that all my decor had been ruined in the house except for a very few small pieces.  My Mom asked me if I wanted the decorations she had that she wasn’t using!  YES! YES!  I told her I would LOVE to have them!  I haven’t seen them but she’s an amazing decorator in her own home and has helped me before many times to decorate.  I don’t need to see them – God brought them to us through my Mom and I know they will be just right.  She doesn’t have a lot of them but we have tons of built ins in the new house and need some things to put there and I am pretty simple so I will just be thrilled with anything she has.

    ANOTHER blessing??

    I have very few clothes since I lost my weight.  My sister, KJ, blessed me with a TON of wonderful clothes that I LOVE and that FIT!  She was so generous and loving as I tried everything on as if I were on a shopping spree!  GOD BLESSES and He blessed me through KJ that way.  I also was blessed with a beautiful pair of black boots and a nice leather coat.

    Today, my Mom came to me and said, ” I have something for you but I didn’t have any wrapping paper.”  Of course I didn’t care about wrapping paper.  She brought out a GORGEOUS yellow shirt, just my style, along with PERFECTLY matching necklace and earrings.  Yet another blessing.  Also, while we were away from home yesterday she made the girls vases of beautiful daffodils with bows  inside precious vases.  She wrote them each a special note.  WHAT A BLESSING SHE IS TO ME AND ALL OF US.

    I had to ask if we could stay longer until we could close.  She told me how she had been sharing with everyone what a JOY and BLESSING we had been here and how she will be sad when we leave.  I feel the same way towards her and Dad!  We have made the best memories.  Yesterday marked 3 weeks here and we all agree it feels like one week.  It has gone so wonderfully and fast!  I do the housework, everyone’s laundry and the cooking.  And they provide us with a wonderful home, their precious love and time, heat, air etc…  I am going to be excited to move in our new house yet sad to leave here.  Even my children said today, “Can we stay here for 40 years??”  LOL! 

    GOD IS AMAZING.  HE HAS PROVIDED OUR NEEDS COMPLETELY.  The “wants” or “we think we needs” will come in God’s timing and in His way.  I GIVE HIM ALL THE PRAISE AND GLORY AND HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What is God doing in your life?  Please share!!!
    With a heart of greatfulness, Cassidy

  • We’re going back to Texas! :) :(

    We are going back to Texas in the next few days.

    I’m happy and yet I am dreading it.

    I dread the drive, that’s for sure!  LOL!  :)   I hope I can keep the girls occupied while we drive 2 days.  We’re going to stay over one night to cut the drive in half but it’s going to be a looong 2 days of nothing but driving.

    I’m so happy to get to see my family and friends and get back to our church!!!

    Yet there are those who oppose me homeschooling and I am sad that they don’t want contact with me.  I just pray that God brings them around.  I know they love me.

    I’m happy to get back in our home and get things all tidy and clean and yard sale like crazy getting rid of all the things I have been holding onto.  Can you say pack rat?  Yep, guilty.  With all the moving around we have MORE stuff on top of that so it will be a great relief to get rid of stuff and clean everything out and start over!

    The girls are super excited and can’t wait to see their family, especially their grandparents, and then of course their friends!

    I’m very excited that my sister, Nicole, is  coming in to see us and I will get to meet her precious little baby, Bella Grace, who is now ALREADY 6 months old!  I haven’t even gotten to hold her yet!  Plus, her older daughter we call Lai Lai has grown like a little weed and I can’t wait to sit and talk to her and here all about what she thinks and has to say!  Not to mention, I can’t wait to give KoKo (Nicole) a great big huge hug!!!!  We have other family, sisters and cousins we can’t wait to see also!!

    Well, this is a short update but I need to get back into blogging again.

    My love to all, Cass :)

  • Why We Homeschool. Why do I not live the “normal” ways of the world?

       I am training my children in the way they should go. I am teaching them when I rise up and when I lay down and when I walk. I am teaching them that everything they do must be honorable to God and to His glory. I am training them to think biblically and to memorize scripture and to analyze culture in the light of scripture. I am teaching them that they must prefer God, and that taking the gospel to the nations is glorifying to God. I am teaching them that by taking the gospel to others, we glorify God which is the point of the universe.

    I teach them that they must master grammar because language is the medium through which God gave us His word, and that to take the gospel to others we must be able to articulate it in the language we are speaking. Grammar exists for God.

    I teach them that they must become good spellers so that they can communicate the gospel clearly when writing. Spelling exists for God.

    I teach them history as God working out His plan in the universe, to His glory and for His purposes, thereby teaching them about their awesome God who frustrates the plans of the nations and sets up kings and disposes kings and wages war and determines history. As they see their God more clearly, they love Him more dearly, and become jealous to see His name proclaimed among the nations. History exists for God.

    I teach them logic as God’s design for correct thinking and reasoning, so they can think clearly and reason well. If they are trained in correct thinking and reasoning then they can see better the beauty of the mind of their God as it is revealed in scripture. And then, as they take the gospel to others, they will not be misled by false doctrine. They will see through the humanistic mechanisms of our culture. They will understand better how to explain the truth of God in the face of the depraved and distorted thinking that so characterizes the world we live in. By teaching them logic, I am teaching them to protect themselves and to better reason with those who are deceived. Logic exists for the glory of God.

    I teach them science and math so that they can see the hand of God in the order and precision by which He has created the universe. The heavens proclaim the glory of God, but it is so easily suppressed. Naturalistic thinking pervades even the Christian church and God is ignored. By teaching science and math as a glorious picture of the stunning capability of the mind of God, His glory stands forth to my children. We rejoice over our God, and they are thereby more bold in proclaiming His name to their friends and family. This is glorifying to God. Science and math exist for God.

    I teach them Bible. We read the Bible, we ask questions of the Bible, we memorize Bible, we write about Bible–outlining, dictation, etc., we read commentaries and look at maps and check atlases of Bible lands and compare scripture with scripture and interpret our lessons through the Bible. We learn about missionaries and other countries and understand why we need to take the gospel to the nations. We apply Bible to our own culture and try to understand our culture in the light of scripture. Children who are biblically saturated are salt and light. Bible exists for the glory of God.

    I teach them literature–lots of different stories, biographies, missionary stories, fantasies, etc. Much of this is secular in nature. Why is this important? Because they need to be able to filter everything through the lens of scripture. We take the books that don’t mention God, and point out God’s absence in the book. This is so crucial! God is absent in our culture. This is one of the major sins of Romans 1–they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer. He is simply pushed aside from virtually all television, radio, movies, books, cartoons, children’s books, our schools, the work place–He is absent. And this is horrifying and God-belittling and is the epitome of sin. But most people hardly realize it I think. I want my children to see it, and thereby inoculate them against it. I want them to acknowledge God. So, we look at God’s absence and talk about it, and we bring God into it. Take Pippi Longstocking–God is absent in Pippi-Longstocking. I do not want my daughter
      thinking that it is ever okay to conceive of God being absent anywhere, so we bring scriptural truths to bear on stories about Pippi-Longstocking, for example. Literature exists for God.

    The Bible tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus. We are to look at what is not seen. I want to train my children to look at Jesus–all the time. I want to train them to see God, to be passionate for His glory, and to permeate their lives with Christ and His truths. Children who prefer God are salt and light.

    So that is what I am doing to cause my children to be salt and light to a dark world. I want them to be articulate, God-centered, Bible-saturated, Christ-minded, Spirit-led, highly-educated people who are willing to go to the hardest places on earth and lay down their lives for the nations who have not heard. I want them to treasure Christ more than they treasure their own lives, and in doing so bring glory to God as the world looks on and considers Jesus as valuable because they see my children preferring Him over life itself.

    And I am pouring out my life to that end–in raising and training the children that God has entrusted to me, for His glory. I will answer to Him for my stewardship of the children He has given me. More than anything I want Him to say, “Well done”.

    “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. If God is
    calling you to homeschool the children He has entrusted to your care, He will, without a doubt, equip you to do just that.”
    This was sent to me – not written by me – yet I could never have put into words what I feel better than how this says it….

  • In Honor of my Popaw, Lester Flanery.

    My Popaw went to be with Jesus on October 15th, 2009.

    His name was Lester Flanery.  He was a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, veteran of the army, a wonderful and loving soul that was always smiling and ready to “whoop” anybody at Dominoes!  He and my grandmother, Peppy (Peggy Flanery) were married all my life and were so good to each other.  Boy they could make you laugh with their play fussing.  Peppy took good care of Popaw up through his last breath on this earth.

    While home on our visit to Texas, we went by to spend some time with them, and to get some good pictures.  :)


    Yes I look terrible but look that the smile on his face – even his cheek bones are shining as he smiles!


    I knew I could get a smile!


    But I got something even more!  I got a kiss on the cheek too!!!

    Little did I know at this time that it would be our last time together on earth.


    Popaw, Peppy & Me.


    Popaw, Peppy, Me and their great grandchildren!  (my babies!)


    Peppy & Me.  I love her very dearly like Popaw.

    Peppy spoiled me growing up.  I could share lots of stories!

    Peppy used to make me weight watcher ice cream so often because I loved it.  After church on Sundays when I went to church with them I always came back to lunch to find my favorite – a banana pudding!  The preacher would always tease me as we were leaving that he was going to get there first and eat it all.  He ate lunch after church there with us a lot.

    Popaw and I used to play barbies all the time.  He’d sit in the floor with me and it was always the same scenerio.  His barbie would steal my barbie’s boyfriend and our barbies would have an all out fight beating each other up!  LOL!  It’s so funny the times we had.


    Popaw and “Baby” his beloved dog!  My Dad and Bonus Mom gave him the dog and he loved it very much.  He was so proud of that dog while I was out there I could see it for myself.  Peppy still has Baby but I bet Baby loves Peppy but I bet Baby misses Popaw!


    See the pride in his eyes … he’s got his little Baby right beside him!

    I wish I could see him one more time, hear his voice one more time, make one more memory with him, somehow turn back the clock.

    My Dad was so incredibly good to his dad, Popaw.  He spent nearly every day with him playing dominoes and such.  He owns several businesses including 2? or 3? tire shops.  Popaw came to one of them constantly so my Dad (loving his Daddy so much and wanting him to feel special and needed etc….) bought him a big nice coat that said, “Flanery Tire; Head of Security; Lester Flanery.”  He said Popaw was so proud of that and really did tell him every little thing that went on up there.  I bet that made him feel so special because he didn’t have to get to that point in old age where you feel you are no longer of any value and no longer needed.  I treasure my Dad’s heart.


    Sweet Peppy and 3 of her great grands!


    Popaw from his Army Days!  Good lookin’ Fella!


    On the left is my Popaw’s brother and his wife, then me, then Popaw and Peppy.

    (Popaw has other siblings as well)


    ALL of us that day!


    I love this picture because as I was taking a picture of Sarah with Peppy, you can see Popaw has reached over to hold Sarah’s hand.  I love that.


    This is a picture I will remember forever.  I’ve seen it for years.  This is a picture of Claude (left) and Popaw (right).  They were cousins but were raised together so they were truly like brothers.  Claude was a wonderful and kind man.  I loved him very much.  He and Popaw used to play dominoes all the time and boy! they were competitive…all in fun.  I love this picture of the two of them and I hope they are in heaven enjoying Jesus and being together again!!!

    People spend most of your life with you and then they are gone.  It’s hard, even if you know they are with Jesus.  I want to be selfish and keep them here.  I haven’t blogged in such a long time and this is one of several reasons.  I will share more but I’ve shared all I can handle for tonight.

    Please pray for my Peppy that God will walk with her through her grieving and that she will be okay and that my family will keep hold of her and loving and spending time with her.  I know my Dad and my sisters and I will.  Please also pray for my Dad who I always thought was practically my Popaw’s best friend.  My Dad can be tough but not when it comes to family and losing someone.  He has a very tender heart then.  I asked him to kiss Popaw’s cheek for me and he did – twice.  I was so and am so grateful for that since I could not be there.  My Dad also called me all during that time and I was welcomed to call him at any point and he kept me up to date on every single thing so I do have some closure because that was almost like being there, not exactly, but almost!  I owe my Dad for that gift always.

    Please also keep Popaw’s other children, their spouses, grand kids, great grands, siblings, etc…… in your prayers as we miss him.

    Popaw, you were a good man.  I will see you again one day and spend paradise there and you will already be there when I make it there!

    May God pour His peace over every person still hurting and sad.

    We love you, Popaw.

    … your grand daughter…  Cassidy

  • Fall is coming along at our new home…

    This is what I worked on last night during my “relax” time after doing other work.

    I know it’s “uneven” and it’s not finished.

    I pulled out everything I have that is FALL themed from the last two years.

    Much of it has been given to me or come from the Dollar store..

    Today I am going by the Dollar Tree to find stuff to finish off the 2nd shelf on the right.





    Remember, when I showed these little polka dot pumpkins before I told you I got the idea from someone else.  I can’t remember who or I’d give them credit!  (SORRY)



    This was thrown together to “make something” to go there.

    It’s not the greatest but it’s an okay “filler.”



    I hope you all are enjoying bringing some FALL into your homes!

    My family has commented how much they love it!

    Smiles, Cass :)