February 6, 2010

  • We’re going back to Texas! :) :(

    We are going back to Texas in the next few days.

    I’m happy and yet I am dreading it.

    I dread the drive, that’s for sure!  LOL!  :)   I hope I can keep the girls occupied while we drive 2 days.  We’re going to stay over one night to cut the drive in half but it’s going to be a looong 2 days of nothing but driving.

    I’m so happy to get to see my family and friends and get back to our church!!!

    Yet there are those who oppose me homeschooling and I am sad that they don’t want contact with me.  I just pray that God brings them around.  I know they love me.

    I’m happy to get back in our home and get things all tidy and clean and yard sale like crazy getting rid of all the things I have been holding onto.  Can you say pack rat?  Yep, guilty.  With all the moving around we have MORE stuff on top of that so it will be a great relief to get rid of stuff and clean everything out and start over!

    The girls are super excited and can’t wait to see their family, especially their grandparents, and then of course their friends!

    I’m very excited that my sister, Nicole, is  coming in to see us and I will get to meet her precious little baby, Bella Grace, who is now ALREADY 6 months old!  I haven’t even gotten to hold her yet!  Plus, her older daughter we call Lai Lai has grown like a little weed and I can’t wait to sit and talk to her and here all about what she thinks and has to say!  Not to mention, I can’t wait to give KoKo (Nicole) a great big huge hug!!!!  We have other family, sisters and cousins we can’t wait to see also!!

    Well, this is a short update but I need to get back into blogging again.

    My love to all, Cass :)

Comments (4)

  • Oh what wonderful news Cass, I know you are excited to be home and close to those that truly love you!!! I hope you will be able to stay put there for a good while before you need to relocate once again. How exciting for you, not to mention being close to Hope!!!! I pray the trip will go smoothly and be uneventful and that the Lord would watch over you all!!!

  • I know you are glad to be going back, but understand the conflict as well. Just know that no matter what you do, there will always be those who oppose it or have an opinion on it, as long as you know you are doing what you are for the LORD then don’t worry about it one bit, continue to pray for them, be kind to them if you do have contact and don’t lose sleep if they choose to be out of your life. One thing I’ve learned is that you are not truly measured by what people think of what you do. You answer to One and He defines you. Have a great trip. I don’t envy you one bit traveling that far with children. Praying for a safe trip for you all.

  • Great to have you blogging again Cassidy – have missed you so much.
    Safe travels over the next days.
    I will be praying for you.
    I understand the pros and cons of your move but I sure hope the blessings outweigh the negatives.
    Take care and come back here real soon xxxxxx

  • Hey there! You must have your computer back :) When you get a chance let me know where to mail a package to you! I have it all ready to go.

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